MSBTE.INFO provides all latest educational information, this
site is up to date with all MSBTE (Maharashtra State Board of Technical
Education) updates, students can make use of these educational updates.
We help students by publishing latest & useful posts.
This is all about technical education updates. MSBTE is situated at Mumbai. The
content from MSBTE.INFO is related to diploma students of MSBTE.
Our main moto is to provide information to MSBTE students.
MSBTE has over 20+ affiliations. We are here to help all the students. The
MSBTE is one of the largest technical institution, which is maintained by GOVT
of Maharashtra. A large number of students are being educated from MSBTE.
We provide result updates, time table, hall ticket & admit
cards. These are most necessary updates to MSBTE students.
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